Were the Old Testament Saints Regenerated and Indwelt by the Holy Spirit Prior to Christ’s Death on the Cross?

Sam A. Smith According to the Bible, there has never been but one means of eternal salvation: sal­vation by grace, through faith in Christ. However, that should not be interpreted to mean that the temporal relations in the applica­tion of the various elements of salvation (justification, regeneration, indwelling, sanctification, etc.) are uniform in redemptive history. … Continue reading Were the Old Testament Saints Regenerated and Indwelt by the Holy Spirit Prior to Christ’s Death on the Cross?

The Inspiration of the Bible

Sam A. Smith This brief article is not intended as an apologetic directed at skeptics of biblical inspiration; that line of reasoning would need to be quite different. This information is for those who are already committed to some form of biblical inspiration; it seeks to document the Bible’s own claims about itself, and the … Continue reading The Inspiration of the Bible

Part 2: How Do We Know the Bible Is the Word of God?

In Part One of this two part article we asked the question, “How can we know the Bible is true.” That was a theological question.  The question we will address here, “How and where did we get our Bible?” is a historical question, so it gets a historical answer. Basically there are six steps in … Continue reading Part 2: How Do We Know the Bible Is the Word of God?

Part 1: How Do We Know the Bible Is the Word of God?

The Bible is a unique book, even though it’s not uncommon to find religious writers, even theologians, who minimize the uniqueness of the Bible by placing it on an equal plane with the literature of other religions. So, is the Bible just another “holy book"? Let’s take a look. There are essentially five major groups … Continue reading Part 1: How Do We Know the Bible Is the Word of God?